。。法藍舍。。這間餐廳是先前跟janice一起去吃的(那時還沒有妞妞唷)一直忘記要介紹這間餐廳~哈  現在好好來介紹一下啦~!!坐落在天母北路的某條小巷裡面~ 坐位很有國外的fu啦~哈法藍舍經典套餐 / SELECT SET MEAL of FranSir全天供應 All day offer特餐包含:任選一道 1.主菜 2.開胃菜 3.湯品 4.附餐飲料,並附法國麵包、今日甜點和自助沙拉吧Set meal includes: choice of appetizer, soup, entree, drink and comes with bread, dessert and salad bar 我怎麼一直覺得它的沙啦好像有在搞笑的樣子阿~布根地法式烤田螺 / Escargot de Bourgogne  香草、蔥、蒜、奶油煨軟法國田螺,佐以布根地紅酒焗烤  Braised snails with fine herbs, garlic and Burgundy wine. (單點$220)風味南瓜濃湯 / Flavour Pumpkin Soup A medly of exotic spices plus almond banana and onion garnished withcroutons. (單點$180)鄉村野菇濃湯 / Veloute de Champigons Assorted mushrooms cream soup. (單點$180)高盧法式烤羔羊排 / Lamb Chop Gallia Style  Lamb chops barbecued with herbs of rosemary dill..., extra flvor and tendemess. ($790)法式吮指烤春雞(半隻) 拼/ 釀烤起司白蝦卷  Braised Poussin Spring Chicken (half) and / Baked Shrimp Cheese Pastry. ($690)香蒜安格斯肋眼牛排 10oz / Cotelette de Boeuf  Certified U.S. Angus Ribeye steak, naturally grilled, with garlic cloves and mustard seed. ($890)松露腓力牛排 7.5oz / Fillet Migono au Tartufata  US prime aged filet steak, naturally grilled enchanced with black truffle gravy sauce. ($890)很厚的牛排~~超讚不過我還是比較愛鐵盤啦~吼甜點 提拉米蘇甜點二 義式布丁熱咖啡 白天跟晚上去感覺都不一樣唷~~天母法藍舍溪畔餐廳(台北市天母北路72巷2號02-28747208 / 02-28747335時間:11:30-22:00.

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